Works without mods AND with EVERY resource pack! (that's why they're universal :))it'll never stick out in your resource pack order :)this pack contains 3D Models for the bow and crossbow!indiviual experiences vary and may depend on the textures of the resource pack.

Works without mods!Give your crossbows some 3D flair with this custom model for the crossbow, this includes a new 3D model for firework rockets as well since that is used by the crossbow :)!Resource pack contains only the crossbow textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!

Works without mods!Give your bows some 3D flair with this custom model for the bow!Resource pack contains only the bow textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!

Works without mods!Give your swords some 3D flair with these custom models for every sword!Resource pack contains only the swords' textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!

Works without mods!Give your potions some 3D flair with these custom models for bottles and potions, this includes splash and lingering potions too!Resource pack contains only the potion, glass bottle and honey bottle textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!

Works without mods!Give your tools some 3D flair with these custom models for every tool!Resource pack contains only the tools' textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!

Works without mods!The bonk machine has been upgraded to 3D!!Resource pack contains only the mace textures, so it should work with any other resource pack as long as you make sure this is on top in the resource pack menu!Created for and tested with: Snapshot 24w12a Could work for other versions, but that is technically not supported!

A temperature mod expanding on vanilla mechanics to make the game a bit more difficult but doesn't require learning complex new mechanics!Features
Temperature based on vanilla temperature values
No new items or blocks
Make the game a more challenging without being too annoying
Expand on temperature / weather ideas already in the game
New enchantment, Fire Protection counterpart called Frost Protection
Temperature HUD and overlays
Chainmail armor recipe
Left handed mode